I am a sunrise addict. As a young boy living in the countryside, I often times would wake up early in the morning while half of the whole world is fast asleep. I would rise from my bed, fix it up, hurry my way down to the front door, and sit on the steps. Everything is in cathedral silence as I can still see the clouds covering the mountains, and the virgin dews on the ground on which no living creature hasn't stepped yet. Then I would gaze at the fading stars, and look at the moonlight, as the dry-crisp cool air touches my body.

The dusk had stolen the
world I would say, but I have faith the sun will come back to bring us the dawn

of a new-born day. The flowers are
a-bloom, the birds flap their feathers like tiny beat of cherub's wings, the rooster gives its defiant crow, while the crickets perform their last cacophony of music. But ah, I can see now my faithful friend who never fails to appear beyond those hills. Her round golden-red color begins to take form as it rises up to the blue skies. Shadows start to appear behind the pageantry of trees, and I can feel now her warmness.

Oh glorious sun, my only one. If I can just touch you, and hold you close to my heart. I wish you knew how immense are my feelings for you. Yet you are millions of miles away from me, and sometimes those dark clouds would take you from my sight, still I fear nothing. Nothing in this world but the power of the night can separate me from you now. And yes, God created the oceans and the seas for you to set-in as the day ends. But the mountains and the hills have always been there waiting for you to rise, and for me to sit all alone here on this lovely morning to wonder upon you, and sigh.
May 1982
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