The heavens fascinate me. I have always gazed upon and wondered at the stars not because I worry about the sky falling, but because I have a strong feeling someone out there observes us as like we all live in an ant farm. We were brought into this world inheriting the beliefs of our religions, of Gods, and Angels. I myself still strive to the best of my ability to know my faith, but should we just follow blindly and entrust our eternal salvation upon the shoulders of any religious institution? In the Medieval times the Church persecuted people who in their view had “heretical” ideas about how the universe was created. Whenever there were clear conflicts between their philosophy and the Christian faith, the latter always prevailed. It is sad to know that many amongst us still refuse to explore far beyond these religious norms fearing it could cast their soul into eternal damnation. Since the first hominids moved out of Africa up until today, man has learned to take dominion over his environment. Thanks to modern science, we now know more than ever about the human body, explored the richness of the earth, landed man on the moon, sent probes to our celestial neighbours, and grasped what the rest of the universe could offer. Most of us by now could clearly distinguish between a rocket and a “chariot of fire”. Shouldn’t modern science and the advancement of technology expand more our understanding of the bible; Who God can be; how we were created; and if ever we truly are alone in this universe?

Atheists would argue that the cosmos had no beginning and that “matter is self-existing and not created.” But modern science has been able to prove that the whole of the universe expands daily and that galaxies continue to accelerate away from each other due to an unseen force called Dark Matter. If this is an established fact based on scientific evidences, by reversing their movement day after day, wouldn’t they all meet at a single point? This hypothesis is called Singularity. If we all agree that the universe had a beginning, then we can ask ourselves another question – who caused such creation? If the agnostic’s belief that matter self existed were true, then one has to logically maintain the idea that all things could just pop-out any time out of nowhere defying all the concepts of Physics and Engineering! On the other hand, if we agree that the beginning was caused, therefore: what was the cause? The Bible states, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" (Genesis 1:1) and from this, we believe a superior God who exists in a higher dimension, was the cause and did it with perfect arrangement, and reason.
The human saga is often passed on through creation myths among different cultures

based on something. Has it ever occurred to you how God created us? Were humans truly fashioned out of mud? If you believe firmly that man evolved from the apes, why then, are there still apes around? Did God create us first-hand or did the Almighty use emissaries as instruments of our creation? Archaeological evidences seem to side with the theory of evolution, from ape to modern human. If not for the “missing link”, pro-creationists would stand no ground on the debate. The $13 Billion U.S Human Genome Project began formally in 1990. It was a 13-year effort coordinated by the U.S. Department of Energy, the National Institutes of Health with the cooperation of several countries with the purpose of identifying the 25,000 genes in the human DNA. This research could help in curing man’s illnesses, stop ageing, and possibly resolve once and for all the long standing argument between creationism and evolution. In this project, scientists have been able to decipher

the vertical genetic development of life on Earth and found out that the human genome contained not the anticipated 100,000 to 140,000 but only some 25,000 - a little more than double those of the fruit fly (13,601), and barely 50 percent more than the roundworm (19,098). Results also showed that the human gene is relative to most chimpanzees and other vertebrates, invertebrates, fungi, plants and even yeast. A single source of DNA for all life on earth was also noted enabling scientists to map out the evolutionary development of how more complex organisms evolved from simpler ones to higher life forms. This result of genetic sequencing indeed appears to uphold the theory of evolution. But within all their findings appear a strange discovery that

touches the core of the “evolution or creation” topic. It showed that the human genome acquired an extra 223 genes of alien origin that do not have the required predecessors not through gradual progression, not vertically on the tree of life-but horizontally, as an insertion of genetic material from bacteria. The implications of these scientific findings support claims by other scientists and observers of having extraterrestrial beings visiting or colonising Earth in the remote past engineering the primitive hominid Homo erectus through several genetic manipulations to create the human race as we know now the Homo sapiens.
Do yourself a favour today and look up to the stars tonight. Ask yourself: Are we truly alone in this universe? The “gods” up there could just be smiling at you then.
José Gabriel Funes, the director of the Vatican Observatory, admitted the possibility of extra-terrestrial life in an interview with the Papacy’s inhouse daily L'Osservatore Romano, titled “The Alien is my Brother”.
The paper quoted him saying, "As an astronomer I continue to believe that God is the creator of the universe,"
"It is possible, even if until now, we have no proof. But certainly in such a big universe this hypothesis cannot be excluded."
“This is not in contradiction with our faith, because we cannot establish limits to God's creative freedom,” Funes continued. “To say it with St Francis, if we can consider some earthly creatures as 'brothers' or 'sisters', why could we not speak of a 'brother alien'? He would also belong to the creation."Sources: Z. Sitchin, DGE Bulletin, The Human Genome Project
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